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SWU Phone Number Updater

SWU Phone Number Updater


This is a custom built WordPress plugin by SEO Websites USA that allows users to update incorrect phone numbers and their links within their Pages/Posts in a few easy clicks.

The plugin helps expedite the phone number updating process to help the WordPress user save time when updating multiple pages.



Step 1: Install the Plugin.


Step 2: Select the plugin via WordPress Dashboard via:

Settings> SWU Phone Number Updater


Step 3: Enter the Old Phone Number, then in the next slot the New Phone Number you want it updated to (example: (555) 555-5555).

Step 4: Enter the Old URL, then in the next slot the New Phone URL you want it updated to (example: tel:5555555555).

Step 5. Hit save!

Step 6. Deactivate the plugin, the update number and URL will remain saved.

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